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Time clock for employees through a tablet

Clock in and out with a selfie and register your break!

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How to start the time clock

How to stop the time clock

The break button


The time clock code will be shared with you by your employer, if they want you to clock in and out for a shift via a tablet. Or it is already set for you.

How to start the time clock

When your working day starts, you can clock in via our login page with the 6-digit PIN code provided by your employer. At the bottom right of the login page you will see LOGIN WITH PIN CODE.

After entering the 6-digit code you will see all the cards of everyone planned for this shift or project, with their name and photo. If you do not immediately find your picture or name, you can search for yourself using the search bar at the top. By clicking on your card, a pop-up will appear, which takes a picture of you when you press CLOCK IN.

If you are clocked in correctly, a green box will appear next to your name with Clocked in.

Did you accidentally press the wrong card? No problem, if you clock out within 15 minutes with this ticket, nothing will be registered.

How to stop the time clock

Log in in the same way at the end of your working day with the 6-digit PIN code (or the devise had already been logged in). Then click again on the card with your name. The pop-up will appear again; only you will now see a red bar with CLOCK OUT. An new picture is taken and the end of your working day is registered.

The break button

If your employer uses our break button functionality, you can register your break during your shift.

You search your card again, where you have two options, either start your break or clock out. To start your break, select TAKE A BREAK.

CrewTip! If you accidentally started a break or if you don't want to take a break after all, you can cancel or stop it within one minute, without a break being registered.

To register the end of your break, search your card again and select RESUME WORKING.

We hope this article has helped you!

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