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Time clock

The built-in time clock with which you can chart performance by time registration with a photo.

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How can you use the time clock

Where can you find the time clock



Work schedules


Departments/Department groups

What does the time clock look like for the employees


The time clock is a handy tool to allow your employees to clock in and out. It is easy to use the time clock at fixed locations, all you need is a tablet and our application.

To use the time clock on a tablet, you will need to download our application.

How can you use the time clock?

When you come across the icon below, you have the option to use the time clock.

First let us start by answering the following questions:

  1. What is the time clock?

    The time clock offers you the opportunity to have an idea in real time of who is currently working. In addition, you also have access to the actual hours worked by your employees, after they have completed their shifts.

  2. Who is clocking in?

    If you use the time clock, it will be your employees who clock in and out themselves.

  3. Where do you mainly use the time clock?

    It is often at fixed locations, such as a depot, warehouse, internal kitchen, fixed party rooms, etc., that a time clock is ideal for registering the actual hours worked by your employees.

  4. What are the advantages of the time clock?

    • When your employee clocks in and out, their photo will be taken. This way you see that the employee registers their start and end time and that this person is also at the location where they are expected to be.

    • If an employee clocks himself in or out, you will also see the GPS location where this happened.

    • You have the exact times when your employees started and stopped.

What is the time clock?

The time clock offers you the opportunity to have an idea in real time of who is currently working. In addition, you also have access to the actual hours worked by your employees, after they have completed their shifts.

Who is clocking in?

If you use the time clock, it will be your employees who clock in and out themselves.

Where do you mainly use the time clock?

It is often at fixed locations, such as a depot, warehouse, internal kitchen, fixed party rooms, etc., that a time clock is ideal for registering the actual hours worked by your employees.

What are the advantages of the time clock?

  • When your employee clocks in and out, their photo will be taken. This way you see that the employee registers their start and end time and that this person is also at the location where they are expected to be.

  • When your employee clocks in and out, their photo will be taken. This way you see that the employee registers their start and end time and that this person is also at the location where they are expected to be.

  • If an employee clocks himself in or out, you will also see the GPS location where this happened.

  • If an employee clocks himself in or out, you will also see the GPS location where this happened.

  • You have the exact times when your employees started and stopped.

  • You have the exact times when your employees started and stopped.

    When you select the clock icon, a pop up will appear which will allow you to generate a pin code.

    On the login screen of the app, you will spot at the bottom right LOGIN WITH PIN.

    CrewTip! This feature does not have an offline mode and therefore requires a constant connection to function properly. Always check the internet connection if the time clock is not working as expected.

    When you select this, you will be redirected to this page:

    Here you can enter the pin code.

    CrewTip! The PIN always consists of 6 digits. You cannot choose these 6 digits yourself, because there is a real chance that customers will wish to use the same code. If you really would like a different code, you can click on this icon:

    If you wish to deactivate a code, select the bin icon.

    Please note that once you generate a new code or delete a code, employees will no longer be able to log in and clock in with the old code and the app will display an error message. To resolve the error message, select the question mark at the top right, select 'Login with a different PIN' and log in with a new PIN.

    Where can you find the time clock

    The time clock can be found in various places in CrewPlanner, this way you can choose the right time clock for the right occasion.

    How to find a time clock:

    1. Employees

    If you want to generate a time clock code that can be used by all employees at all times, you generate it on the EMPLOYEES page. To do so, select TIME CLOCK from the ACTIONS drop-down menu:

    If we click on TIME CLOCK, we get the familiar pop-up:

    Which allows you to generate a code.

    In this example, the PIN for the time clock on which you find all employees is ‘509249’.

    This code will always remain the same, unless you generate a new code. If you use this code, for example on a tablet at a fixed location, you can attach this code near this device.

    This is a time clock where all your employees can clock in and out, if they are scheduled on a project or a work schedule.

    CrewTip! An employee must always be scheduled to be able to clock in and out. From 1 hour before the start of a shift to 6 hours after a shift, an employee will be able to find their profile in the time clock. This has the effect that if an employee has not clocked out at the end of the shift, they will be automatically clocked out 6 hours after the end of the shift. The originally scheduled end time of the shift, then becomes the recorded end time.

    All employees which have been scheduled, are on this list. Therefore, everyone will be able to find themselves in this list, but this is also the Achilles heel of the time clock for all employees. If a lot of people are planned, an employee may not easily find themselves in the long list. So there are alternatives.

    2. Project

    For each project you create, you can generate a unique time clock code. As soon as you click on the clock icon, you get the familiar pop-up allowing you to generate a PIN.

    You can then share this code with your employees or the supervisor of this project, who, as the name implies, is responsible for supervising clocking in and out.

    CrewTip! If you change a project, the time recorder code remains unchanged, but if you delete a project and recreate it, the code does change.

    3. Work schedules

    Every work schedule also has a time clock code.

    In the example above, you will see 2 clock icons, one next to each work schedule.

    Therefore, if you generate a PIN via the clock icon next to the work schedule Lounge, this code can only be used for this work schedule. Moreover, this PIN remains valid for each week of this work schedule until you generate a new PIN or delete the code.

    If you want a code for the Reception Sweet Pepper work schedule, select the clock icon next to this work schedule and generate a different code that will only be valid for this work schedule.

    Work schedules are frequently used for depots, kitchens, etc. In short, work schedules are often created for employees in fixed locations. These situations lend themselves perfectly to the use of a time clock.

    For example, you can hang a tablet at the entrance to the kitchen. When your employees clock in and out, a photo will always be taken with the same background.

    4. Companies

    You also have a time clock per company/client. If there are clients or companies with fixed locations, where your employees are employed, it is ideal to use this time clock.

    For example, you can hang a tablet at the entrance of the customer's location. When your employees clock in and out, a photo will always be taken with the same background.

    5. Departments / Department groups

    Finally, you can also generate a time clock per department group and per department.

    1. In the example above, you can see a clock icon next to the department groups in the grey bars, allowing you to generate a unique PIN.

    2. Similarly, each department has its own clock icon.

    In the example above, you can see a clock icon next to the department groups in the grey bars, allowing you to generate a unique PIN.

    Similarly, each department has its own clock icon.

    Important! Be sure to pay close attention when creating a project that you use the correct departments and that you provide your employees with the correct clock PIN.

    For example: your employee is assigned to the department Bar of the department group Restaurant. This employee is not assigned to the department Chef. These are then the possible scenarios, you provide your employee with the time clock code of:

    • department group Restaurant: the employee will be able to see his shift.

    • department Bar: the employee will be able to see his shift.

    • department Chef: the employee will not be able to see his shift.

    department group Restaurant: the employee will be able to see his shift.

    department Bar: the employee will be able to see his shift.

    department Chef: the employee will not be able to see his shift.

    What does the time clock look like for the employees

    If you would like to find out how the time clock works in practice and how the employee sees this, please have a look at this article.

    We hope this article has helped you!

    If you still have questions, take a look at our CrewAcademy first. You might find the answer in one of our articles.