Time registration
The processing and approval of the hours worked by employees on projects.
Table of contents
Where to find time registration
Time registration rules during configuration
Clocking in and out of employees
Ratings, comments and no shows
To check the hours worked by the employees, to modify or to assess performance and to finalize them so that they can be exported, you use the time registration.
Where to find time registration
If you have time registration permissions, you will find the module FINALISE TIME REGISTRATION on your dashboard. It displays the last eight completed projects for which time recording can be reviewed and submitted or finalised by a manager.
Depending on your permissions, the following symbols are displayed next to each project:
If you are only allowed to view, save and review time registrations:
If you are allowed to complete time registrations:
If you select one of these projects, you will be taken to the time registration page of that project.
For every project which has an active timer, the tab TIME REGISTRATION appears, in which the time registrations of that project are displayed. The timer only becomes active one hour before the start of the first shift.
You also have the option to consult the general TIME REGISTRATION page via ADMINISTRATION. Here you can process the timesheets in bulk. You can read how to navigate in this page here.
Consult time registration
On the time registration page you will find a list of the scheduled employees with fields that relate to the employee's performance.
1. Name: here you find the name of the employee.
2. Function or Department: the function or department of the shift, depending on your selection in the Group by filter on the agenda page.
3. Planned: here are the planned hours for the shift of the employee.
4. Clocked: if the employee clocked in & out via the application or via the time clock, you can consult this here.
CrewTip! Move your cursor over the clocked hours, and you can see where the employee has clocked.
5. Registered: The fields in which managers can determine which hours should be registered. As soon as you complete the time registration, these times are used as start and end times.
6. Break: in this field you can enter a break time in minutes, but you can also set break rules in CONFIGURATION in SETTINGS.
CrewTip! If you are using the break timer in the application, your employees can also register their break (s) during their shift. The clock icon indicates that a employee has registered a break using the application:
If you consult this, a pop up will appear with the total number of break minutes.
7. Total hours: this field shows the total number of registered hours minus the break time
8. Difference of planned hours: this field shows the difference in planned hours, if fewer hours are performed this is green, if more hours are performed this is red.
9. Declarations: in these two fields you can enter the number of kilometres or a declaration amount. These fields are informative and can be exported with the report.
This information can have already been completed by the employee or a supervisor when the employee clocked out, or automatically if you have an automated calculation configured.
CrewTip! If you use our link with Service partner: Offix, during the completion of the services PERFORMANCE will appear, with which you can pass on the compensation for the employee to the service partner.
10. Comment: with the speech bubble you have the option to add a comment about the worked shift. If you click on this, a pop-up will appear with a field in which to enter your comment.
If comments have been made on the performance of an employee, the speech bubble is in a darker colour.
11. Rating: You can give a rating through the 5 stars you will find here, this rating is not visible to the employee. Only managers can see these, Payroll Managers only see the ratings of their pool of employees.
12. Checked: this checkbox will be marked automatically when you change one of the fields.
This gives you an overview of which employees you have already checked and which not.
13. No show: through the icon on the right side, you can mark an employee as a no show.
After selecting this, a pop-up will appear asking you to confirm this No show.
If the employee was incorrectly entered as a No show, you can reverse this as follows:
CrewTip! However, if you use extra modules such as Dimona's (BELGIUM) or Contract lay-outs, a cancel input will be generated automatically when a No show is confirmed. In this case, you cannot undo a No show!
14. Save: If you have made changes but do not want to complete the time registration yet, select SAVE at the bottom so that your changes will not be lost.
15. Finalise or submit review: Once all data has been entered in the time registration, select FINALISE or SUBMIT REVIEW, depending on your permissions.
Time registrations for which a review has already been submitted, can still be modified after unlocking. Once a time registration has been finalised, it is no longer possible to modify it unless you have the permission to finalise time registration. Once a time registration has been finalised, you can export this information in REPORTS. If a review was submitted for a time registration, you can export this on the AGENDA page.
Time registration rules during configuration
In CONFIGURATION under SETTINGS you have the option to set a number of rules with regard to time registration.
1. Break rules: here you can automate the break rules; for example, these will be automatically entered in the time registrations based on your settings. You determine this with the number of minimum hours that must be performed and for which contract types the break rule applies. You then indicate how many minutes break must be entered in the time registration.
2. Time registration default prefill: how do you want the hours of the time registration to be filled in automatically. Select the rule that applies here:
3. Time registration rounding: here you determine how you will round the hours of the employees. You can do this per minute, per quarter, per half hour, per 5 minutes; the default is 15 minutes.
4. Archive timer: how long do you want to keep the clocked times of your timer after they have been completed by a manager. After the selected time, this data will be permanently deleted, including the photos taken with the time clock.
Clocking in and out of employees
There are two options for employees to clock in and out.
This can be done with our built-in time clock, which allows employees to clock in and out with a selfie. The time clock is very useful for fixed locations where a tablet can be hung.
Another option is to let employees clock in and out via the application on a smartphone. If employees allow this via their phone settings, the location will also be shared with you.
A supervisor has the option of managing the time registration for colleagues on the same project via the application.
Processing time registration
Once you have finished processing the time registration and you have the necessary permissions, you can proceed to submitting a review or finalising these performances. You do this by selecting SUBMIT REVIEW or FINALISE at the bottom.
CrewTip! Submitting a review or submitting time registration for a project with a large number of employees can sometimes take longer due to the large amount of data to be processed. As long as it is displayed that the system is processing this time registration, please do not select anything else.
If you wish to finalise a time registration, you will be asked to confirm this via the pop-up below:
CrewTip! Reviewed time registrations can still be adjusted by unlocking them. Once a time registration has been finalised, it is no longer possible to modify it, unless you have the permission to finalise time registration.
The time registration is then processed and you can consult and export the data in REPORTS in ADMINISTRATION or on the AGENDA page.
Ratings, comments and no shows
As we have already indicated, you can enter ratings, comments and no shows in the timesheet. This information remains visible in the time registration itself, but you can also consult this in the employee pop-up in the agenda and skills tabs. You can find more information on this in this article.
You can even use the assessments as a filter during scheduling, so you will only see those employees who are available with the filters you have applied.
Unlock time registration
As long as a time registration has not been finalised, it is possible for anyone to unlock it. However, once the time registration has been finalised, only a manager with the permission Finalise time registrations can unlock the time registration.
You unlock a time registration by selecting the project in the AGENDA, where in the tab TIME REGISTRATION you have the option UNLOCK at the top once a review of a time registration has been submitted or it has been finalised.
After selecting unlock after finalising time registration, the following pop-up will open asking you to confirm your choice.
CrewTip! Please note, if you use the invoicing module, the already generated invoicing data will be deleted, including any adjustments made on the invoicing lines.
After the project has been unlocked, any manager can change the time registration again.
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